
This window lists the purchases on the system, selected by supplier.
The first step in using the window is to select the supplier whose
purchases you wish to see, from the drop down list at the top left of
the window. After choosing a supplier, the main list will display
any and all purchases for that supplier. If you wish to display the
details of a purchase, click on its line in the list, then click
the Edit button. You may also create a new purchase by first
choosing a supplier, then clicking the New button.
simple purchasing system is controlled by the status of the
The system works through the following steps:
(1) Create a new purchase from the supplier. For more information on
how to create a purchase, read the explanation on the Purchase
Details window.
(2) Choose a status for the purchase. There are four status
options from which to choose...
Estimate: An estimate is a purchase which has been created, but
for which you have not yet been asked to pay. It has no effect on any cashbook accounts, and is not
treated as outstanding.
Quote: A quote is a purchase which is now due to be paid. The payment is outstanding, and the
number of days since the date on the purchase will appear on the
creditors list report, and will be shown in this Purchase List
Posted: A posted purchase is one which you have paid. In terms of the
program, it means that a new entry was made in the Spend Money
window to account for your payment.
Rejected: A rejected purchase is one where, for whatever
reason, the purchase was never posted to the cashbook accounts.
Therefore, a purchase does not directly affect any of the balances
of the cashbook. The purchase is merely copied to create a new Spend
Money entry when its status is changed to Posted. As
this is the case, you are free to delete an purchase at any time - it
will have no effect on the balances of any accounts in the cashbook.